The most interactive illusion museum in Brussels

Fun activity to visit with family or friends

It's Sunday and you don't know what to do in Brussels to take your mind off things. With your friends, you have toured the different activities offered by our beautiful big city. You have already taken your friends, your spouse, your children everywhere, and they are tired of doing the same activities over and over again. You are looking for an interesting and fun outing at the same time. And all of that, of course, for a reasonable budget… Welcome to Illusion Brussels!
Prepare your visit

A museum with illusions you say?

Illusion Brussels presents itself as a small museum of the incredible. Each element presented will seem impossible or counter-intuitive to you. Some are simple illusions, finely selected and presented with taste and sobriety. Others will be magic tricks or wizardry. And for the highlight of the show, there will be what we could call technological miracles.
Things we see on the internet and which we think are faked. At Illusion Brussels, you will be able to see them with your own eyes, take photos or film them.

Illusion Brussels - illusion museum

Almost on the Grand Place

Our museum, Illusion Brussels, is located in the very famous district of the Grand Place in Brussels, so you can complete your visit with a small stroll in the arteries of the historic city center...

Illusion Brussels - illusion museum

If you have ever visited a museum of this kind, don't hesitate, there are only a few common illusions between the different museums offering this type of visit. Many of the illusions offered here are unique and have not yet been exhibited elsewhere in the world.